The Best ROI Event
in the Industry!
Are you looking for an event that maximizes your time and money?
Welcome to Vet Together, where connections are purposeful, sales are expedited, and investments translate into high returns.
Vet Together is a data-driven conference that streamlines the sales process by eliminating guesswork, matching you with hospitals who are ready to make purchases. You know in advance who you will meet, allowing for highly targeted and efficient face-to-face meetings.
It's a win-win!

The appointment matching process

Contact our sales team to select your sponsorship level and register your company to meet with hospitals that match your business offerings.

Prior to the event, your company will have access to our custom portal to make your hospital selections.

Our system will create your meeting schedule based on the following criteria:
(1) mutual requests
(2) hospital requests
(3) vendor requests

Arrive for 3 days of fast-paced one-on-one appointments with your future customers.
Vendor Benefits:
The best ROI event in the industry
Expedited sales process
One-on-one appointments
Attendees that are decision-makers
Engaging networking events
Priceless time savings